In our Q & A blog series, we’ve addressed some of the most important and technical questions about our Lab Bricks:
Q. We would like to connect 48 Lab Brick LPS-402 phase shifters to a computer via an Ethernet-to-USB hub while operating over a wide range of temperatures. What are the operating temperatures and environmental constraints for the LPS-402, what is their operating lifetime, and how fast can they be switched?
A. All of our Lab Brick products can be used with a powered Ethernet-to-USB converter. The phase shifters are specified for operation from 0o C to +50o C and are designed with components rated from -30o C to +70o C. Phase-setting accuracy will degrade slightly over temperature but all other specifications should not vary. We can also sample test or screen units over a specified temperature range if required.
The MTBF of Lab Brick phase shifters is greater than 1.5 million hr., and as they are entirely solid state with no mechanical parts to wear out, their operating lifetime is not affected regardless of how many phase changes are made. The time it takes to switch from one phase to another is up to 4 µs and the user interface allows dwell time to be set between phase changes as fast as 1 ms.
If you have any questions about operating or programming Vaunix products or other topics, please contact our technical support team.